Governance Services

We can work with your Board to examine some or all of the following areas:

Ø  Strategic planning

§  Vision, Mission, Values

§  Living the values and development of culture

§  Development or improvement of the strategic plan; making it a relevant, living document

§  Alignment of the strategic planning process to the operational planning process

§  Organizational Risk Management

Ø  Operational planning

§  Alignment of the Strategic plan to the Operational plan

§  Budgeting and resourcing

§  Identification of issues, risks and opportunities

§  Direction on issues, risks and opportunities

Ø  Board operations

§  Roles and Responsibilities

§  Desired outcome reviews and systems

§  Policies and procedures

§  Issue management

§  Ensuring successful meetings, retreats and AGMs – board meetings, in camera meetings, board retreats, AGMs - agendas, parliamentary procedures, maximizing attendance, minutes

§  Committees, task forces, advisory groups – activating committees, developing advisory groups

§  Legal, accountability, lobbying, ethics and risk management

§  Organizational evaluation, including program evaluation and organizational assessments

§  Articles of incorporation, bylaws, resolutions, policies – in place, up to date, relevant

Ø  Human Resource policies and processes

§  Staffing the Board – size of the Board, term limits, composition, recruitment process

§  Board orientation/training for new Board members

§  Board and staff roles, job descriptions and relations

§  Board Evaluations and for that of the CEO/Director General/Executive Director

§  Succession Planning for the Board and a new CEO/Director General/Executive Director

§  Termination of Board members at or before term

§  Ongoing education of Board members

§  Reward and Recognition

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