• Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Program Review. Following a decision by CRA that would result in lottery funds currently distributed by an arms-length NFP--the NWT Sport and Recreation Council--being taxed, the project was designed to merge the activities of the Council with the government, including distribution of the lottery funds to sport, recreation and physical activity organizations. Data collection involved document review, key informant interviews, focus groups, options development, webinar consultations, analysis, recommendations and report writing, and development of an NWT Policy on sport, physical activity and recreation through  workshop facilitation. (Government of Northwest Territories)
  • Facilitation and development of a strategic plan including key informant interviews, online survey, workshop, analysis and report writing. (Ontario Speed Skating Association)
  • Facilitation and development of a strategic plan including key informant interviews, online survey, workshop, analysis and report writing. (Alberta Lacrosse Association)
  • Facilitation and development of an implementation plan to implement Going the Distance: Alberta Sport Plan 2014-2024, the 10 year plan to adapt the Canadian Sport Policy to the Alberta landscape. (Alberta Sport Connection)
  • Facilitation of a strategic plan including province wide survey and Board developed strategic plan including Vision, Mission, Values, Goals, Strategies, Outcomes. (ROWONTARIO)
  • Needs assessment with provincial sport organizations and municipal recreation departments, to assess their interest in and use for the Ontario Safety Guidelines, as a standardized approach to safety (especially concussions) in program delivery. (Ophea)
  • Facilitation of regional and provincial consultations on strategic plan, and worked with Board to develop three-year strategic plan that included Vision, Mission, Values, Goals, Strategies, Outcomes and Timelines. (Rugby Ontario)
  • Finalize a Governance, Policy and Procedures Manual for use by staff and Board covering Organizational Essentials (Vision, Mission, Values, Stakeholders, Strategies, Key Performance Indicators), Board Structure and Processes, Board-Executive Director /Staff Relationships and Executive Parameters. Provide Board Orientation for new Board members including overview of Governance tools (Constitution, By-law, Strategic Plan, Financials), Organizational Structure, Programs, Board –staff relations, Board members’ role & responsibilities, Legal considerations, Practical Board tips, Board operations, Measuring performance, and the Governance, Policy and Procedure Manual. (Ontario Volleyball Association)

  • Needs analysis and development of strategic, operational and implementation plans to integrate para-athletes into Athletics Ontario from the disability multi-sport organizations, including key informant interviews, survey, regional consultations and facilitation of two day workshop with staff and Board members of five provincial and one national sport organization. (Athletics Canada)
  • Designed a new program to support high performance athletes in Ontario, and to implement the recommendations of an evaluation--the Quest for Gold program. (Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport)
  • Developed a new operational model and staff workplan by facilitating an operational planning workshop over four days (Ophea)
  • Provision of governance and strategic advice (Golf Association of Ontario)
  • Provision of strategic communications advice (Ophea)
  • Needs analysis on sport tourism strategy development among 13 regional tourism organizations (Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance)
  • Facilitated strategic and operational planning with the Board (Athletics Ontario)
  • Facilitation of several meetings among the Partnership for Healthy Kids (six provincial recreation organizations) to finalize their terms of reference. (Ophea)
  • Facilitated strategic and operational planning, consultations and regional workshops, including focus group consultations, with community sport organizations, and with Board members. (Ontario Minor Roller Hockey Association) 
  • Facilitated strategic, operational and revenue generation planning including key informant interviews, meetings and report writing. Ontario Disc Sports Association
  • Evaluation of Spark Together for Healthy Kids including partner key informant interviews and online survey and case study of a partner relationship. (Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario)
  • Governance review of sport, recreation and physical activity programming of the Government of Nunavut, involving online surveys, key informant interviews (telephone and in person), focus group facilitation, document review, data analysis and report writing (with Praxis Consulting). Government of Nunavut
  • Facilitation of the Legacy Committee for the Halifax 2011 Canada Winter Games to develop a Legacy Plan for the Games. Included review of documentation, key informant interviews, meeting facilitation. (Host Society of the Halifax 2011 Canada Winter Games)
  • Evaluation of Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card - Saskatchewan Supplement, including document review, online survey, key informant interviews, analysis and report writing (Active Healthy Kids Canada and Saskatchewan in motion)
  • Review of Newfoundland and Labrador Summer and Winter Games, including literature review, focus groups, key informant interviews, analysis, report writing and facilitation of implementation workshop (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador)
  • Review of multi-sport Games in Northwest Territories, including literature review, survey of six provinces and two territories's involvement in multi-sport Games, key informant interviews, analysis and report writing. (Government of Northwest Territories)
  • Researched and wrote position paper on secondary school physical education credits. (Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario)
  • Review of Ontario's Parasport Games, involving facilitation of a work group, key informant interviews, two online surveys, data analysis and report writing. (Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and Sportalliance of Ontario)
  • Process evaluation of the Ontario Senior Games Association including a logic model workshop, interviews with key informants, document review, analysis and report writing. (Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and Sportalliance of Ontario)
  • Review of the implementation of Daily Physical Activity in Ontario elementary schools including logic model, online survey of 72 school boards, site visits to 15 schools with key informant interviews, focus groups with 25 principals. In partnership with Parker Management Consultants Inc. (Ontario Ministry of Education)
  • Facilitated a strategic planning session and developed a strategic plan for the Board of Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (Ophea)
  • Environmental scan of 37 Ontario public health units / Heart Health Coalitions to determine interest in participating in a province-wide trails – health event, coordinated conference call meetings, gained commitment of 65% of PHUs to participate in the project, designed provincial theme and communications package. Events were held in June 2006 as part of the provincial Active 2010 Trails Strategy through the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion. (Ontario Trails Council & Active 2010)
  • Environmental scan with First Nations, Community Health Centres, and Primary Care physicians across the province for a provincial resource, Walk This Way, through the Ontario Stroke Strategy and the Physical Activity Resource Centre (Ontario Physical Activity Resource Centre). 
  • Review of the Canada Games Management Group in Nova Scotia including document review, logic model formation, questionnaire design, key informant interviews, analysis and report. (Nova Scotia Health Promotion)
  • Facilitated a workshop with members of the Canada Games Management Group, sport community and government representatives in Nova Scotia to implement the recommendations of the review report; included drafting by-laws for a new corporation. (Nova Scotia Health Promotion)
  • Facilitated a SWOT analysis and development of detailed workplan and governance workshop involving questionnaire design, interviews, file analysis, By-law and Board manual writing, incorporation procedures, workshop design and facilitation, report writing and on-going support and follow-up. (Ontario Aboriginal Sport Circle)
  • Program evaluation of the Community Sport Councils project, key informant interviews, document analysis, file review, online survey design, administration and analysis. (Sport Alliance of Ontario)
  • Process evaluation of the Let's Get Moving! Program in Ontario including key informant interviews, document analysis, file review, administration and analysis and facilitated a workshop to design and evaluation framework. (Coaching Association of Canada)

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