In This Section... |
National Level |
Provincial Level |
Local Level |
- Review of Sport Canada's Targeted Excellence Approach (Team member with Goss Gilroy, Inc.) including document review, secondary data analysis, survey of all NSOs and 1,500 senior carded athletes, both current and retired, focus groups with carded athletes, 71 key informant interviews, analysis and report writing. (Sport Canada)
- Formative Evaluation of the 2012 Canadian sport Policy and thematic Review of Physical Literacy and Long-Term Athlete Development including document review, analysis of government databases and surveys, 49 key informant interviews, online survey of 690 national, multisport-service, provincial/territorial sport organizations and 1,580 local sport organizations, expert panel, analysis, recommendations and report writing. (Federal-Provincial Territorial Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council - SPARC)
- Facilitation of four annual Provincial/Territorial Hosting Forums in conjunction with the annual Sport Events Congress (Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance)
- Facilitation and development of a strategic plan including key informant interviews, and development of a Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic Directions and Goals with measurable outcomes (Bermuda Cricket Board)
- Development, training and delivery of a national webinar on a tool to assess gender equity on NSOs, P/TSOs, local sport organizations and in municipal recreation settings. (CAAWS)
- Development and delivery of a national webinar on policies that make a difference for girls and women. (CAAWS)
- Developed options for the establishment of a permanent SPARC Secretariat, including estimates for each option of the start-up costs, ongoing costs, timelines for establishment and legislative requirements. (Federal-Provincial/Territorial Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Committee - SPARC)
- Development of a Succession Plan for the position of CEO of the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC)
- Facilitated the development of measurable government objectives for the Canada Games, including two consultations with sport experts and a consultation with all Canada Games National and select Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations. (SPARC and Federal-Provincial/Territorial Sport Committee)
- Developed and delivered a national webinar on evaluation of Boards of Directors of sport organizations (Sport Infomation Resource Centre - SIRC)
- Developed and delivered a national webinar on Succession Planning. (Sport Infomation Resource Centre - SIRC)
- Facilitated a Working Group of National and Multi-Sport Organization's CEOs and High Performance Directors in the development of a strategy for high performance coaching in Canada, including undertaking international research and report writing. (Own the Podium)
Facilitated the development of a sport community bidding and hosting strategy to increase and better coordinate Canada's bidding for and hosting of international sport events. Included cross-jurisdictional review, facilitation of meetings of a Working Group comprised of NSOs, MSOs, Provincial governments, Municipalities and Tourism Associations. (Canadian Olympic Committee, Canadian Paralympic Committee and Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance)
Research and development of a submission to the Standing Committee on Finance in advance of the annual federal budget. (Sport Matters Group)
- Facilitated a two day session to develop and operational plan for the Adaptive Committee of Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada
- Facilitated consultations and developed policy on active after school programming for girls and young women. (CAAWS)
- Governance and human resource audit (Canadian Blind Sports Association)
- Evaluation of the results and impacts of True Sport (with David Redmond and Associates) for Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
- Analysis of the data collected by the F-P/T governments on the 2010 Aboriginal Sport survey. (Sport Canada)
- Evaluation of Sport Innovation Project in Ontario (Sport Matters)
- Preparation of the Pre-Budget Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance on behalf of the sport sector (Sport Matters)
- Evaluation of the Canadian Sport Policy, including facilitation of two national discussion groups, F-P/T government questionnaire and key informant interviews, database review, document review, secondary analysis of public opinion research, online survey of 790 NSOs, MSOs and P/TSOs, and expert panel. (ISRC and Federal-Provincial/Terrritorial Sport Committee)
- Governance review of Canadian Sport Centre Ontario including document review, key informant interviews and facilitation (Own the Podium)
Review of provincial/territorial healthy aging policies, strategies and action plans including key informant interviews, analysis and report writing. (Public Health Agency of Canada)
Evaluation of Lifestyle Information Network's (LIN) National Recreation Database, including document review, online survey, key informant interviews. In partnership with David Redmond & Associates.(Federal-Provincial/Territorial Physical Activity and Recreation Committee; Public Health Agency of Canada)
Evaluation of Canada's Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth, 2008, including document review, two online surveys, key informant interviews, analysis and report writing. In partnership with David Redmond & Associates. (Active Healthy Kids Canada).
- Needs Analysis and Strategy - Data collection included literature review, key informant interviews, site visits and focus groups and analysis, recommendations and report writing. (Aquatics Federation of Canada)
Evaluation of SummerActive 2007 and WinterActive 2008 including document review, two online surveys of over 300 providers and participants, focus group and key informant interviews, analysis and report writing. In partnership with David Redmond & Associates. (Federal-Provincial/Territorial Physical Activity and Recreation Committee; Public Health Agency of Canada)
Review of government policies and strategies affecting aboriginals sport and physical activity development; a review of the capacity of Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Bodies (PTASBs) and a review of the issues of team preparation and team travel to the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG). In partnership with Sluth Management Consulting. (F-P/T Aboriginal Sport and Physical Activity Work Group)
Review of research and documented best practices in successful community-based programs, strategies and communication tools for increasing physical activity levels of Aboriginal youth in urban, rural and remote communities. In partnership with Sluth Management Consulting. (F-P/T Aboriginal Sport and Physical Activity Work Group)
Evaluation assessment of the implementation of the Canadian Sport Policy including document review, online survey, cross-Canada key informant interviews, analysis and report writing. In partnership with David Redmond & Associates ( F-P/T Sport Committee; Interprovincial Sport and Recreation Council)
- Organizational structure and compensation review of a national sport organization, including document review, interviews of staff, contractors, Board members and clients, compensation survey of NSOs, development of job descriptions and report writing (Ringette Canada)
- Facilitated a consultation with national and provincial recreation, physical activity and sport organizations to design a new initiative showing the role that participation in recreation and sport can contribute to social inclusion and building social capital in low-income, marginalized communities (McConnell Foundation / Sport Matters Group)
Environmental scan of the relevant recent and best practices research on recreation including identification of research gaps and best methods to disseminate the information to practitioners, presented the findings through a facilitated workshop to the CPRA National Conference and incorporated the feedback into a report noting gaps, making recommendations for future research and highlighting best methods for dissemination (Canadian Parks and Recreation Association)
- Design for a model of alternate service delivery for Government of Canada sport programs. Included literature review, questionnaire design, interviews, coding and analysis, executive summary, report writing, recommendations, presentation. (Sport Matters Group)
- Review of the Future of the ISRC Secretariat to determine the need for a permanent Secretariat to support the work of the ISRC. (Interprovincial Sport and Recreation Council)
- Researched and wrote a background piece on the contribution of provincial/territorial governments to the development of sport in Canada for inclusion in the Road to Excellence: Business Plan (Canadian Olympic Committee)
- Facilitated a strategic planning session of over 30 representatives of national sport organizations delivering sport for athletes with a disability including planning, presentation design, facilitation, summary and report writing (Canadian Paralympic Committee)
Facilitated a strategic planning session of a national sport organization, including a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis, questionnaire design, analysis of data, report preparation, workshop design, facilitation and report writing (Canadian Blind Sports Association)
Facilitated a second strategic planning session (Canadian Blind Sports Association)
Feasibility Study - Completed a cross-Canada consultation with provincial/territorial governments and representatives of sport, recreation and physical activity organizations at the national, provincial / territorial and local levels on the feasibility of developing a national communications strategy to assist existing initiatives to increase participation in sport and physical activity in Canada, including questionnaire design, interviews, data coding and analysis, and report writing. (ParticipACTION)
Acted as Interim Senior Leader of the Sport Matters Group including representation of the sport community’s views to government, negotiation with government about allocations, media interviews during the Athens Olympic Games, development of a Brief to Government on a new direction for sport in Canada (Sport Matters Group)
Facilitated the Secretary of State’s (Physical Activity and Sport) Working Group on Hosting International Sport Events and designed a Strategic Hosting Framework to assist federal and provincial / territorial governments to determine when to bid for international sport events. Included questionnaire design, key informant interviews, data analysis, weekly meetings with client, decision-making framework design and report writing. (Sport Canada)
Facilitated the Minister of State’s (Sport) Workgroup on sport for persons with a disability, to develop a participant development model for all three sport movements for persons with a disability (Paralympics, Special Olympics and Deaflympics) (Sport Canada)
- Developed an evaluation model for the Canadian Strategy for Ethical Conduct in Sport (“True Sport Strategy”). Designed a workshop to define a logic model for the strategy, and performance measurement and evaluation strategies. Included interviews, liaison with workshop facilitator, materials preparation, report writing of the evaluation model following the workshop. (CCES / True Sport Secretariat)
- Facilitated a workgroup of NGOs (non-governmental organization) and governmental representatives to refine the Canadian Strategy on Sport and Physical Activity for Girls and Women and develop an Action Plan. Included facilitation of workgroup meetings, review of existing initiatives and analysis/ coordination of information to develop / write the Strategy and the Action Plan. (Interprovincial Sport and Recreation Council ~ ISRC)
Facilitated a workshop of NGOs and governmental representatives, through the development of a logic model and associated performance measures, to develop targets, indicators and collaborative actions that can be taken by FPT governments to increase participation in sport. (Interprovincial Sport and Recreation Council ~ ISRC)
Developed an RMAF for the Sport Policy Advisory Collective (SPAC) project, for a group of national and provincial voluntary sport leaders. Designed a workshop to determine a logic model for the SPAC project, and performance measurement and evaluation strategies. Included interviews, liaison with workshop facilitator, recruitment of workshop participants, materials preparation, report writing of the evaluation model following the workshop. (Sport Matters)
Completed the program evaluation of the Sport Policy Advisory Collective (SPAC) project, including key informant interviews, document analysis, file review, online survey design, administration and analysis. (Sport Matters Group)