In This Section... |
National Level |

Provincial Level |

Local Level |
- Reviewed and provided critical and strategic analysis to a comprehensive business plan for the 2020 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final in Edmonton. (Events Edmonton)
- Developed and implemented a Sport Asset Assessment Project for the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, including Fort McMurray (after the May 2016 wild fires). Involved online research and survey and key informant interviews, analysis, recommendations and report writing. (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and Fort McMurray Tourism).
- Development of a Sport Strategy for Markham, a City north of Toronto, seeking policy guidance related to national and provincial sport policy documents, to provide context for the future use and focus of a Pan/ParaPan Am Games multi-use facility. Data collection involved document review, interviews, and report writing. (City of Markham)
- Evaluated the Community Cup over a three year period, a sport for development project, to determine whether casual contacts through playing soccer could lead to employment opportunities for new Canadians. (Ottawa Catholic Centre for Immigration)
- Facilitated a SWOT analysis and online members survey of over 1000 members, and strategic planning workshop to develop a four year strategic plan for the largest skate club in Canada (Skate Oakville)
Analysis of feedback received from the citizens of Guelph on their sense of wellbeing from five data sources totalling over 3000 entries including community comment cards (five questions), workshop in a box (2 sessions), ward meetings (six), telephone town hall and Photovoice, and report writing. (City of Guelph)
Facilitated 16 meetings of Design Teams for the Community Wellbeing Initiative, to develop goals, action steps and measures for the eight domains of Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation, Community Vitality, Democratic Engagement, Education, Environment, Living Standards, Healthy Populations and Time Use. (City of Guelph)
- Facilitated a workshop of economists to review a paper "Economic Policy, Obesity and Health" to arrive at consensus on key issues. Faculty of Physical and Health Education, University of Toronto
Facilitated a meeting of the Grade 5 Review Committee through a presentation of the Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model and consideration of modifying the Toronto District Elementary School Athletic Association (TDESAA) constitution to include LTAD principles. (Toronto District School Board)
Completed a comprehensive evaluation of the Metropolitan Toronto Domestic Response Team, including a cost-effective analysis, program effectiveness analysis, satisfaction level of, and impact upon, policy and clients of the service. (Solicitor General of Canada and the Joint Steering Committee, Domestic Response Team)
Designed and implemented a process evaluation over a one-year period, of a nurse-practitioner program, to provide guidance, assistance and supervision to young mothers whose infants are likely to be at risk of abuse or failure to thrive. (Metro Toronto Children’s Aid Society)
Reviewed the feasibility of establishing a training program to provide work specific English and computer skills to immigrant women in a small bookkeeping business. (Toronto Office Skills Training Project)